Jammu News

14 cases settled in Lok Adalat at Kathua

open view news desk

KATHUA, FEBURARY 28:- A Lok Adalat was held today in the premises of District Court Complex Kathua, under the supervision of Pawan Dev Kotwal, Chairman District Legal Services Authority (Pr. District & Sessions Judge) Kathua.

To settle the cases in the Lok Adalat, two benches were constituted.

Bench No. 1 comprised Pawan Dev Kotwal, Pr. District & Sessions Judge Kathua and Jatinder Singh Jamwal, Addl. District & Sessions Judge Kathua. Bench No. 2 comprised Yashpal Sharma, Chief Judicial Magistrate Kathua and Deputy Kumar, District Mobile Magistrate Kathua.

A total of 20 cases were taken up, out of which 14 cases were settled including 03 HM Act, 03 Bank , 04 Criminal compoundable, 02 Petition U/s 488crPc & 02 Complaint u/s 138 NI Act and a Recovery of Rs 3,98,793 was also made in favour of the Banks.

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