Jammu & Kashmir

Weather Forecast – July 9, 2023 – Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh

July 8, 2023

Jammu: On July 9, 2023, Jammu is expected to have a sunny and warm day. The temperature is forecasted to range between 30-35 degrees Celsius. It will be a great day to explore the city and indulge in outdoor activities.

Kashmir: The scenic region of Kashmir is expected to experience pleasant weather on July 9, 2023. The day will be partly cloudy with a gentle breeze. The temperature is likely to vary between 20-25 degrees Celsius, providing a comfortable atmosphere for tourists to enjoy the beautiful landscapes.

Ladakh: In Ladakh, July 9, 2023, will bring clear skies and cool temperatures. The region is known for its breathtaking landscapes and this day will be no exception. The temperature is expected to range from 10-15 degrees Celsius, offering a refreshing and enjoyable environment.

Whether you are planning to visit Jammu, Kashmir, or Ladakh on July 9, 2023, it appears to be a great time to explore these enchanting destinations. Just remember to pack accordingly and make the most out of your journey in the picturesque surroundings.

Disclaimer: Weather forecasts are subject to change and may not be completely accurate. It is always advisable to check for updated forecasts closer to your travel date.

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