India News

BJP an evil force, biggest pandemic: Mamata

Kolkata, Oct 12:  Calling the BJP an “evil force”

and the “biggest pandemic” that has struck the country, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday claimed that the saffron party was “trying to flare up tensions” in the state for its own political gains.

Banerjee, who is also the TMC supremo, further said that the BJP was not bothered about the well-being of people, and was only interested in seizing power.

“On one hand, you have COVID-19, dengue and on the other, you have the BJP, the biggest pandemic. It is an evil force. In Bengal, if you are into politics, you have to abide by certain norms that are part of our rich cultural heritage.

“The BJP, however, is not bothered if people are dead or alive. They are only interested in wresting power. I want to tell them, it won’t be easy,” Banerjee said at a programme here, organised by her party’s mouthpiece ‘Jago Bangla’.

The CM’s remarks came days after a protest rally taken out by saffron camp activists turned violent, as the police tried to stop their march to the secretariat. The state government said that the rally defied COVID-19 protocols and was taken out without permission.

Urging Durga puja committees to strictly abide by COVID-19 guidelines, Banerjee said, “In many states, the administration has either cancelled this year’s celebrations or limited it to just one or two (places).

“I would request everyone to adhere to the safety protocols,” she said, after launching a special edition of ‘Jago Bangla’ and music album ‘Srishti’, which has a collection of seven songs written by her.


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