Month: May 2020

Exclusive: India, Pakistan nuclear procurement networks larger than thought, study shows

NEW DELHI – Hundreds of foreign companies are actively procuring components for India and Pakistan’s nuclear programmes, taking advantage of gaps in the global regulation of the industry, according to a report by a U.S.-based research group. Using open-source data, the nonprofit Centre For Advance Defense Studies (C4ADS) […]

Coronavirus shatters silver screen dreams for Bollywood

MUMBAI – India’s Hindi film industry, purveyor of song-and-dance spectacles to millions, will take at least two years to recover financially from the coronavirus pandemic, which is threatening big-ticket projects, putting at risk tens of thousands of jobs. That was the sombre assessment of about a dozen top […]

PM Modi holds a meeting to discuss ways to boost Defence & Aerospace Sector

open view news desk NEW DELHI, APRIL 30: PM Narendra Modi held a detailed meeting to deliberate the potential reforms to ensure a robust and self-reliant defence industry in India that caters to short and long term needs of the armed forces and initiatives to give a boost […]

Low Pressure area over south Andaman Sea & adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal

open view news desk NEW DELHI, MAY 1: According to the Cyclone Warning Division of the India Meteorological Department, a Low Pressure area has formed over south Andaman Sea and adjoining southeast Bay of Bengal in the morning hours of today, the 01st May 2020.Its intensification is expected […]

Biden expected to publicly address sexual assault allegation

WASHINGTON — Joe Biden on Friday was expected to give his first public comments on a sexual assault allegation that has roiled his presidential campaign. The presumptive Democratic nominee will appear on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to address the allegation by his former Senate staffer Tara Reade that he […]

Trump speculates that China released virus in lab ‘mistake’

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has speculated that China could have unleashed the coronavirus on the world due to some kind of horrible “mistake,” and his intelligence agencies said they are still examining a notion put forward by the president and aides that the pandemic may have resulted […]
