Jammu & Kashmir

Governor expresses grief over demise of SHO Arshad Ahmad Khan

open view news desk

Srinagar, June 16: Governor Satya Pal Malik has expressed grief over the sad demise of Arshad Ahmad Khan, Station House Officer (SHO), Sadder Police Station, Anantnag.
Khan , who was injured in a Fidayeen attack at Anantnag on June 12 succumbed to injuries at AIIMS in Delhi on Sunday.
In his message, Governor has paid rich tributes to SHO Khan for attaining martyrdom and described his demise a big loss to the Police department. 
Mentioning that SHO Khan’s bravery saved many lives, Governor stated that “We are all grateful to such brave hearts who are sacrificing their lives for security of the nation”.
Governor has prayed for eternal peace to the departed soul and expressed sympathy and solidarity with family members of the deceased.

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