
Congratulatory phone calls received by PM

open view news desk

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today received telephone calls from H.E. Mr. Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Mr. E.D. Mnangagwa, President of Zimbabwe; and H.E. Mr. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of Mozambique, congratulating him on his victory in the recent General Elections in India.

The Prime Minister thanked the President of Republic of Korea for his telephone call and greetings. The Prime Minister warmly recalled his recent visit to the Republic of Korea in February 2019. The Prime Minister also recalled the visit of First Lady Kim to India in 2018 to attend the ‘Deepotsav’ festival and said that the visit had added a new chapter to India-ROK ties. The Prime Minister reiterated his firm commitment to further strengthen the Special Strategic Partnership between the two countries.

President Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe warmly congratulated the Prime Minister on his victory in the recent General Elections. The Prime Minister thanked PresidentMnangagwa for his wishes, and appreciated the fact that two media-persons from Zimbabwe had visited India to cover the elections. The Prime Minister also recalled the success visit of the Vice President of India to Zimbabwe last year, and expressed his desire to take India-Zimbabwe relations to new heights.

The Prime Minister conveyed his condolences to President Nyusi of Mozambique on the loss of life and property in the aftermath of a cyclone earlier this year. President Nyusi thanked the Prime Minister for the timely assistance extended by Indian Navy at the time. The Prime Minister said that India will always stand with Mozambique in solidarity and partnership.

Categories: National

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