
Advisor Ganai hails opening of Tulip Garden for Public viewing

open view news desk

JAMMU  – Advisor to the Governor, Mr. Khurshid Ahmed Ganai, who is also Advisor incharge of Floriculture and Tourism Departments, has complimented the Floriculture Department for throwing open the Tulip Garden at Chashmashahi Srinagar for public viewing.

In his message, the Advisor conveyed his appreciation to the officials and workers of the Floriculture Department posted at the Tulip Garden for their hard work and dedication. He expressed the hope that Srinagar Tulip Garden will attract tourists from outside the State and thereby boost the tourism sector in the state.

The Advisor appealed to visiting public to help maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the garden by observing various instructions of the management displayed on boards and prominent places in the garden.

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