Jammu & Kashmir

Ganderbal going through worst electricity crisis: Ishfaq Jabbar

Asks administration to shift entire CUK campus to Ganderbal, expedite developmental work

open view web desk

Ganderbal  November 18: National Conference District President and MLA Ganderbal Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar censored governor administration for its failure in providing essential services in the area.

In a statement he said, “The administration so far has miserably failed in alleviating the day to day issues of people in my constituency. Electricity is playing hide and seek. PDD has failed to maintain a proper schedule in power cuts in the area.”

While interacting with number of deputations at Ganderbal, he also stressed upon the Governor Administration to intervene and provide adequate compensation to orchardists who have suffered massive losses due to recent ill-timed snowfall.

Ishfaq said that its time for Governor to take a call and shift the entire campus of Central University of Kashmir to Ganderbal. “Almost 60 percent of the University is housed in Ganderbal and its therefore important to start work at main Campus Tullmulla.” He also appealed governor administration for expediting the work of Pandach-Beehama road.

He stressed the need for futuristic planning of the constituency alongside improving the existing infrastructure like irrigation, power, drinking water, roads besides facilities like health, education and animal-care. “The local level administration has immense responsibility to improve the living conditions of the people by attending to their day to day needs”, he said, and referred to the initiatives he has been taking to ensure synergy between various engineering departments as far as development of the constituency is concerned.

He later interacted with party workers and listened to their grievances. Addressing the workers he said, “National Conference has a golden and glorious history, the cornerstones of which are public service and national dignity. With its strong ideological grassroots presence and dedicated cadre, National Conference will continue to grow.”

He urged upon party workers to strengthen the party at grass root level. YNC district president Mir Mushtaq was also present on the occasion.

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