Day: November 18, 2018

Chief Secretary visits SKIMS Soura

open view web desk SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 18: Chief Secretary BVR Subrahmanyam today said the functioning of Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Soura involves larger social issue linked to the public healthcare in Jammu and Kashmir. “The immediate concern of the Governor’s Administration is to restore the stature […]

DSEK invites application for free coaching for competitive exams, sets up helpline

  open view web desk SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 18: Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) today announced free coaching for the competitive examinations like IIT-JEE, NEET, JKCET etc in all the districts of Kashmir Division. The students desirous of getting admission under this program have been asked to submit […]

Pune court remands Varavara Rao in police custody till Nov 26

Pune, Nov 18:  Telugu poet Varavara Rao, accused of having Maoist links, was Sunday remanded in police custody till November 26. Rao was taken into custody in Hyderabad on Saturday after his house arrest ended on November 15 and his petition to quash the transit remand was disposed of […]

Punjab IAS officer’s father-in-law shot dead

Chandigarh, Nov 18:  IAS officer Varun Roojam’s father-in-law was reportedly shot dead by unidentified persons near Rajpura in Punjab’s Patiala district Sunday, police said. The bullet-ridden body of Swarn Singh (65) was found in his car, they said. The incident took place at around 11:30 am near Uksi village. […]

3 killed, 20 injured injured as grenade hurled on religious congregation in Amritsar

Amritsar, Nov 18: Three persons were killed and 20 injured in a grenade attack on a religious congregation here on city outskirts on Sunday, an incident which the police are treating as a terrorist act . The incident took place inside the Nirankari Bhavan at Adliwal village near Amritsar’s […]

Gujjars, Bakerwals seek setting up of tribal university in Jammu and Kashmir

open view web desk Jammu November 18 :  The Gujjar and Bakerwal community of Jammu and Kashmir have demanded setting up of a tribal university in the Pir Panchal belt with special reservation for marginalised groups and people living in remote and backward areas of the state. To […]

Dr. Farooq Abdullah calls for a united front against communal forces

Says hawkish people and outfits ought to be sidelined, addresses public meet in Lucknow, UP open view web desk Lucknow November 18: National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah on Sunday urged all the secular forces of India to put up a strong and joint front against the communal forces […]

Ganderbal going through worst electricity crisis: Ishfaq Jabbar

Asks administration to shift entire CUK campus to Ganderbal, expedite developmental work open view web desk Ganderbal  November 18: National Conference District President and MLA Ganderbal Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar censored governor administration for its failure in providing essential services in the area. In a statement he said, “The […]
