Tag: Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar

Media can not be a registered, recognized or unrecognized political party, underlines VP

Media will emerge the nation’s conscience keeper if it takes care of its conscience, emphasises VP CAA does not deprive any Indian citizen of his or her citizenship- VP CAA is aimed at providing relief to persecuted religious minorities in neighbourhood without infringing upon the rights of any […]

CAA aims to provide relief to persecuted minorities without infringing upon rights of any existing citizens – Vice President

Unfortunate that some fail to recognise soothing impact of CAA on human rights of persecuted minorities in neighbourhood, says VP India over the ages has been a proud champion of pluralism, notes the Vice-President Bharat is obvious global spiritual centre, defining world discourse inspired by a deep commitment […]

Constitution is in the exclusive domain of the Parliament & Parliament alone is the architect of the Constitution – Vice President

Parliament can’t script a judgement on the supreme court & Supreme Court can’t script law for us; that’s our domain – Vice President Constitutional provisions providing for interpretation of law & constitution is a small slit; it can’t become floodgate – VP Sovereignty of the Parliament is synonymous […]

Imposition of Emergency is the darkest period of our history, says Vice-President

Role of the Governor is very important; they take oath to protect, preserve and defend the constitution-VP No power on Earth can deprive our population of Fundamental Rights & Human Rights: VP Bonsai is an Indian Art; against the belief that it belongs to China and Japan. Everyone […]

Any further delay in implementation of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) will be corrosive to our values, says Vice-President

No foreign entity can be allowed to tweak with our sovereignty and reputation- VP It is high time, choreographers of anti Bharat narrative orchestration are effectively rebuffed-VP Vice-President exhorts students to take pride in being Indian and be proud of India’s historical achievements Vice-President calls upon the students […]

Authorities in Constitutional positions must exemplify their conduct by high standards of propriety, dignity and decorum – Vice-President

The Vice-President emphasises that disruption and disturbance in the temples of democracy cannot be weaponised as political strategy Stamp out the worrisome trend of intolerance towards the other point of view, says the Vice-President Parliamentary sovereignty is inviolable- VP Where is the wit, humour, and sarcasm- once a […]

Civil Servants play a pivotal role

Vice-President Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar lauds the increasing representation of all sections of society in the Civil Services Rising number of women in public administration will pave the way for a more sensitive and well-rounded bureaucracy: Vice-President “Our level of freedom of expression is next to none & there […]

India is world’s most functional democracy– Vice President

An ecosystem is being shaped to combat India’s emergence as Global power – Vice President Our constitutional institutions are strong and independent; we are proud of judicial system – Vice President VP says none in democracy can claim to be above the law Governance reforms have ended the […]

Indian Information Service probationers call on the Vice President today

Need to counter the doctored narratives to run down India’s growth story – Vice President ‘Dumping of information is another way of invasion – Vice President FEB 15, 2023 The Vice President, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar interacted with a group of Indian Information Service (IIS) probationers at Upa-Rashtrapati Nivas […]
