Tag: Libya

Ransomed and beaten: Migrants face abuse in Libyan detention

ONBOARD THE GEO BARENTS OFF LIBYA — Osman Touré was crying from the pain of repeated beatings and torture as he dialed his brother’s cellphone number. “I’m in prison in Libya,” Touré said in that August 2017 call. “They will kill me if you don’t pay 2,500 dinars […]

US heart surgeon treats children lacking care in Libya’s war

TRIPOLI, Libya — Yazan, a 1-year-old Libyan boy, was born with congenital heart disease. With just one chamber, the organ pumped so little blood that when Yazan cried, his skin turned black. Without surgery, he would not survive. But Yazan’s country, Libya, has only one heart surgeon who […]

Libyan strongman delays signing ceasefire at Moscow talks

Libya’s eastern strongman General Khalifa Haftar delayed signing a ceasefire agreement at talks in Moscow, but Russia said it was hopeful the country’s warring rivals would soon conclude the deal to end nine months of fighting. Talks on the terms of a ceasefire between Haftar’s forces and the […]
