Day: May 12, 2021

India’s Active Caseload Declines for the Second Consecutive day

New Recoveries outnumber Daily New COVID Cases for the Second Consecutive day India’s Cumulative Vaccination Coverage exceeds 17.5 Crore More than 30 lakh beneficiaries of age group 18-44 Vaccinated so far DELHI, MAY 12: India’s total Active Caseload has dipped to 37,04,099 today. It now comprises 15.87% of the country’s total Positive Cases. […]

WHO has not associated the term “Indian Variant” with B.1.617, now classified as Variant of Concern

DELHI, MAY 12: Several media reports have covered the news of World Health Organisation (WHO) classifying B.1.617 as variant of global concern. Some of these reports have termed the B.1.617 variant of the coronavirus as an “Indian Variant”. These media reports are without any basis, and unfounded. This […]
