Day: June 19, 2020

AAP not invited for all-party meeting called by PM Modi: party leaders

New Delhi, Jun 19:  The AAP has not been invited to an all-party meeting called by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the border conflict with China, two senior party leaders claimed on Friday. AAP leader Sanjay Singh said the party has a government in Delhi and in Punjab, […]

India’s COVID-19 tally crosses 3.80 lakh with highest single-day spike of 13,586 cases

New Delhi, June 19:  India on Friday saw another record spike of 13,586 new COVID-19 cases in a single-day, pushing the tally to 3,80,532, while the death toll rose to 12,573 with 336 new fatalities, according to the Union Health Ministry data. In some positive news, the number […]
