Day: June 8, 2020

COVID Emergency Credit Facility covers all companies and not just MSMEs: Finance Minister

open view news desk NEW DELHI, JUNE 8: Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs Smt Nirmala Sitharaman today said that the COVID Emergency Credit Facility covers all companies and not just MSMEs. Addressing the FICCI National Executive Committee members, Smt Sitharaman assured the industry of all possible […]

Delhi CM Kejriwal goes into self-quarantine; To be tested for COVID on Tuesday

New Delhi, Jun 8:  Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has gone into self-quarantine after developing sore throat and fever, and will get himself tested for COVID-19 on Tuesday, officials said on Monday. The 51-year-old chief minister, who is also a diabetic, was feeling unwell since Sunday afternoon. “As […]
