Day: March 25, 2020

PM calls for complete lockdown of entire nation for 21 days

PM addresses the nation on COVID-19 open view news desk Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi called for a complete lockdown of the entire nation for the next 21 days beginning at midnight tonight in an effort to contain the COVID-19 Pandemic. In a special televised address to the […]

PM greets people on the occasion of various festivals across the country

Festivals to strengthen resolve to overcome our circumstances, says PM open view news desk The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has greeted the people on occasion of various festivals across the country. In a series of tweets PM said, “We are celebrating various festivals across India and also […]

CCMB may soon come up with diagnostic kits for Covid-19

CCMB is also planning to culture the covid-19 virus open view news desk To combat Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organisation (WHO) insists that widescale “testing, testing, and testing” is the key as early diagnosis may help save lives. Aligning with the call of WHO, the Centre for Cellular […]

Govt bans export of anti-malarial drug hydroxycloroquine

New Delhi, Mar 25: Amid coronavirus outbreak, the government on Wednesday banned export of anti-malarial drug hydroxycloroquine with immediate effect to ensure sufficient availability of the medicine in the domestic market. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Director General Balram Bhargava had on Monday recommended the use of hydroxychloroquine […]

Govt monitoring availability of essential commodities in market: Paswan

New Delhi, Mar 25: Union Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Wednesday said the government is monitoring the availability of essential commodities in the market amid nationwide lockdown for next 21 days to check the spread of coronavirus outbreak. Paswan warned manufacturers and traders against profiteering during this period. […]

Feverish fans fuelled virus at Italy Champion’s League match

Ecstatic fans cheering and hugging at the Champion’s League game between Atalanta and Valencia in February boosted the spread of the coronavirus, the mayor of the worst-hit Italian city said Tuesday. Bergamo, in the northern Lombardy region, is now Italy’s worst-hit province, with nearly 6,728 infections. Its football […]

Cleaner hands, bluer skies: what has coronavirus done for us?

Deaths, economic meltdown and a planet on lockdown: the coronavirus pandemic has brought us waves of bad news, but squint and you might just see a few bright spots. From better hygiene that has reduced other infectious diseases to people reaching out as they self-isolate, here are some […]

Federal officials reach deal on $2 trillion aid package

WASHINGTON — The White House and Senate leaders of both parties struck an agreement late Tuesday on a sweeping $2 trillion measure to aid workers, businesses and a health care system strained by the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak. The agreement came after days of often intense haggling and […]

India’s 1.3 billion locked down as virus surges elsewhere

NEW DELHI — The world’s largest democracy went under the world’s biggest lockdown Wednesday, with India’s 1.3 billion people ordered to stay home in a bid to stop the coronavirus pandemic from spreading and overwhelming its fragile health care system as it has done elsewhere. The unprecedented move […]
