Day: August 2, 2022

Ukraine and Russia: What you need to know right now

Aug 2 – Russia on Tuesday accused the United States of direct involvement in the Ukraine war while the first ship carrying Ukrainian grain to world markets since Moscow’s invasion headed towards Lebanon without problems. read more GRAIN/ECONOMY/DIPLOMACY * The first ship carrying Ukrainian grain to world markets was […]

Russia backs China over ‘provocative’ Pelosi visit to Taiwan

Summary Russia: Pelosi trip is provocative Russia says U.S. trying to pressure Beijing Russia: we support China LONDON, Aug 2 – Russia backed China on Tuesday over an expected visit to Taiwan by U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, warning Washington that such a provocative trip would […]

US House Speaker Pelosi arrives in Taiwan, defying Beijing

TAIPEI, Taiwan — U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday night despite threats from Beijing of serious consequences, becoming the highest-ranking American official in 25 years to visit the self-ruled island claimed by China. Pelosi’s visit has triggered increased tension between China and the United States. China […]

Watching al-Qaida chief’s ‘pattern of life’ key to his death

WASHINGTON — As the sun was rising in Kabul on Sunday, two Hellfire missiles fired by a U.S. drone ended Ayman al-Zawahri’s decade-long reign as the leader of al-Qaida. The seeds of the audacious counterterrorism operation had been planted over many months. U.S. officials had built a scale model of […]

Secretary TAD reviews progress on Tribal Research Projects for inclusive Development

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 02: Secretary, Tribal Affairs Department (TAD), Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary, who is also holding the charge of Director, Tribal Research Institute, reviewed the progress on various research projects initiated for welfare and development planning for tribal areas in different sectors. The research projects are aimed at […]

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh interacts with 46 District Magistrates

The Minister asks the District Collectors to help build a crescendo about “Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar” campaign, the longest and largest beach cleaning operation in the world All Coastal Districts can evolve a unique clean-up model by infusing local, ethnic and cultural inputs by roping in celebrities of […]

RBI allowed invoicing and payments for international trade in Indian Rupee

AUGUST 2, 2022 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed invoicing and payments for international trade in Indian Rupee vide A.P (DIR Series) Circular No. 10 RBI/2022-2023/90 dated 11.07.2022 on “International Trade Settlement in Indian Rupees (INR)”. This was stated by Union Minister of State for Finance […]
