Month: December 2021

A Myanmar family flees to India with no plans to return soon

FARKAWN, India, Dec 31 – For more than a decade, Mah Tial said she ran a small store in Thantlang, a town in northwest Myanmar, making enough money to send her four children to school and see her eldest daughter secure a coveted government job. On Sept. 8, […]

Russia test-fires new hypersonic Tsirkon missiles from frigate, submarine

MOSCOW, Dec 31 – Russia test-fired around 10 new Tsirkon (Zircon) hypersonic cruise missiles from a frigate and two more from a submarine, Interfax news agency said on Friday citing northern fleet. Russian President Vladimir Putin has lauded the weapon as part of a new generation of unrivalled […]

Ex-Afghan president says had no choice but to flee Kabul

ISLAMABAD — Afghanistan’s former president said he had no choice but to abruptly leave Kabul as the Taliban closed in and denied an agreement was in the works for a peaceful takeover, disputing the accounts of former Afghan and U.S. officials. Former President Ashraf Ghani said in a […]

Baldev Prakash takes charge as J&K Bank’s first MD & CEO

SRINAGAR, DECEMBER 30: Baldev Prakash today joined the J&K Bank as its first Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & CEO). Bank’s Executive President Sunil Gupta, who was flanked by Presidents, Vice-Presidents and other senior officers warmly welcomed the MD & CEO on his first day at […]

Chief Secretary directs RDD to speed up execution of works

Urges department to target 4 lakh Mahila Kissan under MKSPS during next year Directs YSS/Science & Technology/Estates Departments to complete targeted works by March, 2022 JAMMU, DECEMBER 31: The Chief Secretary, Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta today directed the Rural Development Department to gear up to meet annual capex […]

No Food Products shall carry Trans-fatty acids more than 2% with effect from 1st Jan 2022: FSSAI

Commissioner FDA holds meeting with Food Business Operators of Jammu JAMMU,DECEMBER 31: Commissioner Food and Drugs Administration, Shakeel-Ur-Rehman, today held a meeting with manufacturers of oil, bakery, namkeen and sweets regarding use of Trans-Fatty Acid (TFA) in manufacturing/ processing of food products to the permissible limits. Pertinently, the […]

Reserve List of Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020

DELHI, DECEMBER 31, 2021 1.  The result of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020 was declared vide Press Note dated 24.09.2021 recommending 761 candidates in order of merit for appointment to IAS, IFS, IPS and Central Services Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ against 836 vacancies. 2.  The Commission, […]

Parents selling children shows desperation of Afghanistan

SHEDAI CAMP, Afghanistan — In a sprawling settlement of mud brick huts in western Afghanistan housing people displaced by drought and war, a woman is fighting to save her daughter. Aziz Gul’s husband sold the 10-year-old girl into marriage without telling his wife, taking a down-payment so he […]
