Day: October 25, 2021

Union MoS Women, Child Development & AYUSH visits Ayurvedic Hospital; Directorate of AYUSH Jammu

JAMMU, OCTOBER 25: Union Minister of State for Women & Child Development, Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai Monday visited Govt. Ayurvedic Hospital and Directorate of AYUSH J&K, Jammu on the concluding day of his 5 day tour to Jammu & Kashmir. At the outset, the Minister paid floral tributes to […]

Whistleblower Haugen to testify as UK scrutinizes Facebook

LONDON — Former Facebook data scientist turned whistleblower Frances Haugen plans to answer questions Monday from lawmakers in the United Kingdom who are working on legislation to rein in the power of social media companies. Haugen is set to appear before a parliamentary committee scrutinizing the British government’s draft legislation […]

Facebook knew about, failed to police, abusive content globally – documents

Oct 25 – Facebook employees have warned for years that as the company raced to become a global service it was failing to police abusive content in countries where such speech was likely to cause the most harm, according to interviews with five former employees and internal company documents viewed […]

Sudan’s military takes power in coup, arrests prime minister

CAIRO — Sudan’s military seized power Monday, dissolving the transitional government hours after troops arrested the acting prime minister and other officials. Thousands of people flooded into the streets to protest the coup that threatens the country’s shaky progress toward democracy. The takeover comes more than two years […]

Payroll Reporting in India – A Formal Employment Perspective

DELHI, OCT 25: The National Statistical Office(NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has released the press note on Employment Outlook of the country covering the period September, 2017 to August, 2021 based on the administrative records available with selected government agencies to assess the progress in certain […]

Centre rushes multi-disciplinary team to Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh where a case of Zika Virus Disease has been reported

DELHI, OCT 25: Union Health Ministry has rushed a high level multi-disciplinary team to Uttar Pradesh where a case of Zika Virus Disease case has been reported. A 57-year-old male from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh has tested positive for Zika virus disease on 22nd October 2021. The multidisciplinary team […]

EXPLAINER: Just what are ‘The Facebook Papers,’ anyway?

The Facebook Papers project represents a unique collaboration among 17 American news organizations, including The Associated Press. Journalists from a variety of newsrooms, large and small, worked together to gain access to thousands of pages of internal company documents obtained by Frances Haugen, the former Facebook product manager-turned-whistleblower. A separate […]
