Day: February 5, 2021

Hundreds protest coup in Myanmar as resistance spreads

YANGON, Myanmar — Hundreds of students and teachers took to Myanmar’s streets on Friday to demand the military hand power back to elected politicians, as resistance to a coup swelled with demonstrations in several parts of the country, even in the tightly controlled capital. In the largest rallies […]

Senate approves budget bill as Harris casts tie-breaker vote

WASHINGTON — The Senate early Friday approved a measure that would let Democrats muscle President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan through the chamber without Republican support. Vice President Kamala Harris was in the chair to cast the tie-breaking vote, her first. Democrats in the chamber applauded […]

Indian protests against agriculture reforms attract new supporters

BHAINSWAL, India – Thousands of farmers in a politically important Indian state on Friday rallied in opposition to new agricultural laws, signalling growing support for a months-long campaign to have the government reforms scrapped. Angry at what they see as legislation that benefits private buyers at the expense […]


PRESIDENT OF INDIA ADDRESSES THE VALEDICTORY FUNCTION OF THE AERO INDIA-21 DELHI, FEBRUARY 5: Today, India is not just a market, but is also a land of immense opportunities for the whole world, including in the defence sector, said the President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind. He […]

Impact of Covid on Persons With Critical Health Issues

DELHI, FEBRUARY 5: As per the latest ‘Sankalak: Status of National AIDS Response’ (2020) report of the Government, around 5.56 lakh HIV/AIDS cases have been reported in last three years under HIV testing and counseling services of National AIDS Control Programme in country. The year-wise details of the […]

COVID-19: India records 12,408 new cases, 120 fresh fatalities

New Delhi, Feb 5: India’s COVID-19 tally of cases went past 1.08 crore with 12,408 people testing positive for coronavirus infection in a day, while the recoveries surged to 1,04,96,308, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Friday. The total cases mounted to 1,08,02,591, while the death […]

RBI maintains status quo for fourth time in a row; keeps key rate static at 4%

Mumbai, Feb 5: The RBI on Friday decided to leave the benchmark interest rate unchanged at 4 per cent but maintained an accommodative stance, implying rate cuts in future if need arises to support the economy hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted […]
