Day: December 13, 2020

EXPLAINER: What’s in store when the Electoral College meets

WASHINGTON — Voters cast their ballots for president more than a month ago, but the votes that officially matter will be cast Monday. That’s when the Electoral College meets. The Constitution gives the electors the power to choose the president, and when all the votes are counted Monday, […]

JKCA UT level Jammu District Champ’s concludes

open view news desk Jammu, Dec 13: JKCA UT level Cyling Championship for District Jammu today concluded successfully this championship was organized under the banner of J&K Sports Council & Cycling Federation of India and under the able guidance of Prof (Dr)Ashutosh Sharma the Chairman affiliation committee Indian […]

Hunter Biden subpoena seeks info on Burisma, other entities

WASHINGTON — A subpoena seeking documents from Hunter Biden asked for information related to more than two dozen entities, including Ukraine gas company Burisma, according to a person familiar with a Justice Department tax investigation of President-elect Joe Biden’s son. The breadth of the subpoena, issued Tuesday, underscores […]

Trucks with first COVID-19 vaccine in US get ready to roll

The first trucks carrying a COVID-19 vaccine for widespread use in the United States were set to pull out of a Michigan manufacturing plant Sunday, with the shots that are critical to stopping the nation’s coronavirus outbreak destined to reach states a day later. An assembly line of […]

U.N. chief urges leaders of every country to declare ‘climate emergency’

LONDON/BRUSSELS – U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on every country to declare a “climate emergency” on Saturday, as world leaders marking the fifth anniversary of the Paris climate accord made mostly incremental pledges relative to the scale of the crisis. Guterres made his call at a summit aimed […]

India farmers intensify protests as deadlock over new laws continue

MUMBAI/NEW DELHI – Tens of thousands of Indian farmers on Sunday intensified their protests against three new agricultural laws aimed at overhauling food grain procurement and pricing rules by allowing private companies direct access to the vast agrarian sector. Angry farmers staged demonstrations near New Delhi after rejecting […]

India’s Active Caseload further retracts to 3.62% of Total Cases

Total Recoveries exceed Total Active cases by more than 90 lakhs India records one of the lowest daily cases and daily deaths per million population in the last 7 days DELHI, DECEMBER 13: Steadily following the trend set over the past few weeks, India’s active caseload has fallen to […]
