Day: December 5, 2020

BJP retarded development,pushed youth to wall: Slathia

open view news desk VIJAYPUR DECEMBER 05- Former minister and senior National Conference leader Mr Surjeet Singh Slathia today lambasted the BJP for retarding development in Jammu and pushing educated unemployed youth to wall by slow pacing recruitment during three years of their misrule and thereafter despite the […]

SKIMS Celebrates 38th Annual Day & 3rd Convocation

Srinagar 5 December: Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, (SKIMS) Srinagar celebrated its 38th Annual Day& 3rd Convocation today on 5th December, 2020 at SKICC Chasm-e-Shahi. A statement issued to Kashmir News Bureau said that Manoj Sinha, The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir and Chairman Governing Body SKIMS, to be Chief Guest […]

Div Com Jammu discusses measures for revival of agriculture activities on zero line

JAMMU, DECEMBER 05: Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Sanjeev Verma today discussed the measures for revival of agriculture activities on the land on zero line along the international border, here at a meeting with DCs of border districts and concerned Officers. The meeting was attended by Deputy Commissioner Jammu, Sushma […]

Lt Governor delivers keynote address at the “IIT-2020: The Future is Now” Global Summit

JAMMU, DECEMBER 05: Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha today delivered keynote address at the “IIT-2020: The Future is Now” Global Summit, organized by PanIIT USA. The Summit aimed to bring together change-makers, innovators, and thinkers and inspire them to redefine humanity’s future. During his address, the Lt Governor appreciated […]

Pressure mounts on Biden to make diverse picks for top posts

WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden is facing increasing pressure to expand the racial and ideological diversity in his choices for Cabinet and other top jobs. A month and a half before he takes office, he’s drawing rebukes from activists who fear he’ll fall short on promises to build […]

Moscow opens dozens of coronavirus vaccination centers

MOSCOW — Thousands of doctors, teachers and others in high-risk groups have signed up for COVID-19 vaccinations in Moscow starting Saturday, a precursor to a sweeping Russia-wide immunization effort. The vaccinations come three days after President Vladimir Putin ordered the launch of a “large-scale” COVID-19 immunization campaign even […]

Explainer: India’s multi-billion dollar food programme is at the heart of farmers’ protests

NEW DELHI – Thousands of Indian farmers angered by farm laws that they say threaten their livelihoods have intensified their protests by blocking highways and camping out on the outskirts of the capital Delhi. The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and leaders of protesting farmers’ unions have […]

India considers changing new farm laws after mass protests

NEW DELHI – India’s government is considering rolling back some parts of its agricultural reforms after they triggered the biggest protests by farmers in years, officials said on Friday. Tens of thousands of farmers were out on the streets around Delhi again on Friday, rallying against three laws […]

Sustained decline of Active Caseload continues; drops below 4.10 Lakh after 136 days

DELHI, DECEMBER 5: India’s total Active Caseload has dropped below 4.10 lakh (4,09,689) today. This is the lowest after 136 days. The total active cases were 4,11,133, on 22nd  July, 2020. This has been made possible by the trend of recoveries exceeding new cases which has ensured a total net […]
