Day: November 30, 2020

J&K all set for 2nd phase of DDC elections: SEC Sharma

SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 30: State Election Commissioner, K.K Sharma, today briefed the media about the arrangements being put in place to conduct the District Development Council and Panchayat by-polls in smooth and peaceful manner. The SEC was interacting with Media here today. The SEC is on tour to the […]

Bulletin on Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)

JK reports 370 new positive cases, 103565recovered so far JAMMU, NOVEMBER 30: The Government on Monday informed that 370 new positive cases of novel Corona virus (COVID-19), 181 from Jammu division and 189 from Kashmir division, have been reported today thus taking the total number of positive cases […]

‘Stop the madness,’ Tigray leader urges Ethiopia’s PM

NAIROBI, Kenya — The fugitive leader of Ethiopia’s defiant Tigray region on Monday called on Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to “stop the madness” and withdraw troops from the region as he asserted that fighting continues “on every front” two days after Abiy declared victory. Debretsion Gebremichael, in a […]

‘World’s loneliest elephant’ arrives safely in Cambodia

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The pachyderm dubbed the “ world’s loneliest elephant ” after languishing alone for years in a Pakistani zoo was greeted on his arrival in Cambodia on Monday by chanting Buddhist monks and was then sent on his way to a wildlife sanctuary. Like other travelers during […]

Beware of COVID-19 scams as vaccine approaches FDA approval

WASHINGTON — The coronavirus vaccine inching toward approval in the U.S. is desperately anticipated by weary Americans longing for a path back to normal life. But criminals are waiting, too, ready to use that desperation to their advantage, federal investigators say. Homeland Security investigators are working with Pfizer, Moderna and dozens of other […]

Fauci: US may see ‘surge upon surge’ of virus in weeks ahead

The nation’s top infectious disease expert said Sunday that the U.S. may see “surge upon a surge” of the coronavirus in the weeks after Thanksgiving, and he does not expect current recommendations around social distancing to be relaxed before Christmas. Meanwhile, in a major reversal, New York City […]

Biden identifies more administration officials, Trump vows continued election fight

WASHINGTON/WILMINGTON, Del. – President-elect Joe Biden chose more senior aides to lead his administration’s efforts to defeat the coronavirus and rebuild the U.S. economy, and his office confirmed on Sunday he would begin receiving classified briefings that are an essential step toward taking control of national security. As […]

Indian PM Modi refuses to back down on farm reforms despite huge protests

NEW DELHI – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday resisted calls for the repeal of farm reforms that have ignited the biggest protests by farmers in years around the national capital, saying they were being misled and that deregulation would benefit them. Thousands of people from the […]
