Day: November 22, 2020

‘Save yourselves’, Ethiopia tells Tigrayans in push on rebel capital

ADDIS ABABA/NAIROBI – Advancing Ethiopian troops plan to surround the Tigray region’s rebel-held capital with tanks and may shell the city to force surrender, a military spokesman said on Sunday, urging civilians to save themselves. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which is refusing to surrender its rule […]

In blistering ruling, judge throws out Trump suit in Pa.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — A federal judge issued a scathing order Saturday dismissing the Trump campaign’s futile effort to block the certification of votes in Pennsylvania, shooting down claims of widespread irregularities with mail-in ballots. The case was always a long shot to stop President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, but […]

Judge rules against Trump global media chief after firings

WASHINGTON — A federal judge has ruled against the head of the agency that runs the Voice of America and other U.S.-funded news outlets who was accused of trying to turn it into a propaganda vehicle to promote President Donald Trump’s agenda. The ruling effectively bars U.S. Agency for Global […]

Afghanistan conference to set aid cuts, conditions amid war, pandemic

Afghanistan faces funding cuts and tighter restrictions on vital aid from an international donor conference this week, marking further challenges for a nation torn by two decades of war and now ravaged by COVID-19. Ministers from about 70 countries and officials of humanitarian organisations, at the virtual conference […]

After Pennsylvania court defeat, Trump faces new pressure to concede election

WASHINGTON – After a scathing court setback in Pennsylvania, President Donald Trump faces increased pressure from his fellow Republicans to drop his effort to overturn the U.S. presidential election and concede to Democrat Joe Biden. Since Biden was declared the winner two weeks ago, Trump has launched a […]

G20 leaders seek to help poorest nations in post-COVID world

BRUSSELS – Leaders of the 20 biggest economies on Saturday vowed to ensure a fair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, drugs and tests around the world and do what was needed to support poorer countries struggling to recover from the coronavirus pandemic. “We will spare no effort to ensure […]

KVIC Inaugurates Khadi Exhibition in Varanas

High Altitude Honey from Kashmir and Uttarakhand & Woolens Hog Limelight DELHI, NOVEMBER 22: A range of exquisite Khadi products including the premium High Altitude Honey from Jammu & Kashmir, handcrafted silk, cotton and woolen clothes and herbal medicines have been put to display at the state level […]

PM lays the foundation stone of rural drinking water supply projects in Vindhyachal region of Uttar Pradesh

Over 2.6 crore families provided with piped drinking water connection under Jal Jeevan Mission Access to piped drinking water would improve the health of poor families : PM These water projects would resolve the water scarcity and irrigation issues in Vidhyanchal : PM DELHI, NOVEMBER 22: The Prime […]
