Day: November 11, 2020

EXPLAINER: Why do the media call races in US elections?

Fifty-one separate elections — one in each state and one in Washington, DC. Each with different rules and regulations, and no national elections commission to tell the world who wins. How, then, to quickly and accurately determine who won the highest office in the land? That’s where the news […]

Biden vows to ‘get right to work’ despite Trump resistance

WILMINGTON, Del. — Vowing “to get right to work,” President-elect Joe Biden shrugged off President Donald Trump’s fierce refusal to accept the election outcome as “inconsequential,” even as Democrats elsewhere warned that the Republican president’s actions were dangerous. Raising unsupported claims of voter fraud, Trump has blocked the incoming president from […]

Hong Kong’s pro-democracy lawmakers to resign en masse

HONG KONG — Hong Kong’s pro-democracy lawmakers announced Wednesday they would resign en masse after four of them were ousted from the semiautonomous Chinese territory’s Legislature in a move one legislator said could sound the “death knell” for democracy there. The resignation of the 15 remaining pro-democracy lawmakers […]

Recordings reveal WHO’s analysis of pandemic in private

GENEVA — As the coronavirus explodes again, the World Health Organization finds itself both under intense pressure to reform and holding out hope that U.S. President-elect Joe Biden will reverse a decision by Washington to leave the health agency. With its annual meeting underway this week, WHO has […]

China urges U.S. to stop increasing ties with Taiwan

BEIJING/TAIPEI – China urged the United States on Wednesday to stop boosting ties with Taiwan, after Washington and Taipei announced they would hold economic talks this month that Taiwan’s government described as a “major milestone” in relations. China considers democratically-ruled Taiwan its own territory with no right to […]

Biden plans move into White House as Trump clings to hope

WASHINGTON – U.S. President-elect Joe Biden will further lay the groundwork for his new administration on Wednesday as President Donald Trump pursues a flurry of lawsuits challenging the election results in an effort to cling to power. Trump has declined to concede, instead lodging unsupported charges of election […]

NDA overcomes stiff challenge to retain power in Bihar

Patna, Nov 11:  Surmounting anti-incumbency of 15 years, a mutinous former ally, and a spirited challenge from a resurgent opposition that rose from its ashes like proverbial phoenix after the 2019 Lok Sabha poll debacle, Nitish Kumar- led NDA was back in power in Bihar on Wednesday with […]

Trump not conceding is an embarrassment, says Biden

Washington, Nov 11:  US President Donald Trump not conceding defeat in the just-concluded election is an embarrassment, President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday, asserting that his transition plans have remained unaffected by this and he has started talking to world leaders. “I just think it’s an embarrassment quite frankly…. […]
