Day: August 27, 2020

AP FACT CHECK: Pence presses a distorted case on economy

WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence and fellow Republicans pressed a distorted case Wednesday that President Donald Trump took over a moribund economy from Barack Obama and supercharged it. That’s not what happened. Speakers at the Republican National Convention also hailed Trump for protecting the health insurance of […]

Does a face mask protect me, or just the people around me?

Does a face mask protect me, or just the people around me? It likely provides protection for both. Studies on the new coronavirus and other germs show wearing a mask helps stop infected people from spreading disease to others. Evidence also suggests that masks may offer some protection […]

Indian farmers driven to debt as banks turn risk-averse during pandemic

MUMBAI – Last month, Dnyaneshwar Siddhanth, a farmer from Maharashtra, was in desperate need of money to buy seed and fertilizer as the monsoon sowing season approached. But after being rejected by his bank for a loan despite several attempts, Siddhanth finally borrowed 150,000 Indian rupees ($2,021) from […]

U.S., China trade jibes as military tensions worsen

The United States and China traded jibes as military tensions grow between the world’s two largest economies, with the U.S. defence chief vowing not to “cede an inch” in the Pacific and China saying Washington was risking soldiers’ lives. Both are at loggerheads over issues from technology and […]

Government suggests to states to borrow 2.35 trillion rupees to meet tax shortfall

NEW DELHI – The Indian government on Thursday suggested states borrow up to 2.35 trillion rupees ($31.8 billion) from the market to meet a tax shortfall, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said. The government could also support the states to raise up to 970 billion rupees in loans from […]

With more than 9 lakh tests in last 24 hour, India tests nearly 3.9 crore

India’s crosses another milestone- Total Recoveries cross 2.5 million The gap between Active and Recovered cases reaches nearly 18 lakh open view news desk NEW DELHI, AUGUST 27: India strategic approach for COVID-19 response and management- “TEST TRACK TREAT”- emphasises the key principle of high level of testing […]

All India Impact based Severe Weather Warning

Heavy to very heavy rainfall with extremely heavy falls at isolated places very likely over East Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha and Chhattisgarh Heavy rainfall at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit-Baltistan, Muzaffarabad, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, North Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Assam & Meghalaya, Coastal Andhra Pradesh & […]
