Day: August 22, 2020

Biden, once an orator, reaches for rhetorical flourish again

WASHINGTON — The early months of Joe Biden’s third White House bid were marked with uneven debate performances and winding town halls in Iowa and New Hampshire. That contrast to the loquacious, eloquent young senator who first sought the presidency 33 years ago, struck even some friendly Democrats […]

Democrats see racism in GOP mispronunciations of ‘Kamala’

CHICAGO — Bantering during the final night of the Democratic National Convention, actor Julia Louis-Dreyfus and former presidential candidate Andrew Yang repeatedly got the name of “our current vice president” wrong. Was it “Mika Pints?” or “Paints?” Or maybe “Ponce,” Yang suggested. “Oh, some kind of weird foreign […]

Comatose Russian dissident stable upon arrival in Germany

BERLIN — Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, in a coma after a suspected poisoning, was flown from Siberia on Saturday to Berlin for treatment by specialists at the German capital’s main hospital. After touching down shortly before 9 a.m. at a special area of the capital’s Tegel airport used […]

The bully pulpit: Trump pushes Washington, but virus resists

WASHINGTON — His face framed by the golden Oval Office curtains behind him, President Donald Trump stared straight into the camera aimed at the Resolute Desk. It was the night of March 11, 2020. And Trump’s presidency would be forever changed. Trump, whose improbable election ripped up the […]

Fourteen hospitalized after ammonia gas leak in Andhra Pradesh – report

Fourteen people were hospitalized in Andhra Pradesh following an ammonia gas leak from a dairy unit, Reuters partner ANI reported early on Friday. The gas leak has been contained at the dairy, according to the ANI report. ( The latest incident comes three months after a deadly gas […]

India coronavirus cases jump by record as tally nears 3 million

MUMBAI – India reported a record daily jump of coronavirus infections on Saturday, bringing the total near 3 million and piling pressure on authorities to curb huge gatherings as a major religious festival began. The 69,878 new infections – the fourth straight day above 60,000 – take India’s […]

MHA asks States to allow unhindered movement of persons and goods and services during Unlock-3

Restrictions at local level imposed by District Administrations or by State Governments is violation of MHA guidelines under DMA, 2005 provisions open view news desk NEW DELHI, AUGUST 22: The Centre has asked the States that there should be no restrictions imposed on inter-State and intra-State movement of […]

PM greets people on Ganesh Chaturthi

open view news desk NEW DELHI, AUGUST 22: The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has greeted the people on the auspicious festival of Ganesh Chaturthi and wished joy and prosperity everywhere. In a tweet, the Prime Minister said, “आप सभी को गणेश चतुर्थी की बहुत-बहुत बधाई। गणपति बाप्पा […]

States & UTs can avail the Common Eligibility Test (CET) to be conducted by NRA for job selection: Dr. Jitendra Singh

open view news desk NEW DELHI, AUGUST 22: States and Union Territories can avail the Common Eligibility Test (CET) to be conducted by National Recruitment Agency (NRA) for job selection, the decision for which was passed at the Union Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi […]

Foreign attendees of Tablighi event made scapegoat, says HC

Mumbai, Aug 22: The Aurangabad bench of the Bombay High Court has said that the foreign nationals, who had attended the Tablighi Jamaat event held in Delhi in March this year, were made “scapegoats” and allegations were levelled that they were responsible for spreading COVID-19 in the country. A […]
