Month: July 2020

Chinese bombers undertook recent South China Sea drill – defence ministry

BEIJING – China’s military has recently completed a jet bomber drill over the South China Sea, the defence ministry said on Thursday. H-6G and H-6J bombers participated in high intensity training round the clock, ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang told a news conference. Reuters July 30, 2020 Reporting by […]

Delayed election results? Maybe, but not because of fraud

WASHINGTON — A shift to mail voting is increasing the chances that Americans will not know the winner of November’s presidential race on election night. But that doesn’t mean the results will be flawed or fraudulent, as President Donald Trump suggested on Thursday. Trump, seeking to already undermine […]

Hong Kong postpones elections by a year, citing coronavirus

HONG KONG — Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam announced Friday that the government will postpone highly anticipated legislative elections by one year, citing a worsening coronavirus outbreak in the semi-autonomous Chinese city. The Hong Kong government is invoking an emergency ordinance in delaying the elections. Lam said the […]

Fauci to tell House panel ‘unclear’ how long pandemic lasts

WASHINGTON — There’s no end in sight to the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top government health experts will tell Congress on Friday. “While it remains unclear how long the pandemic will last, COVID-19 activity will likely continue for some time,” Fauci, along with Centers for Disease […]

India police patrol ahead of construction of temple on bitterly contested site

LUCKNOW, India – Police have been ordered onto the streets of an Indian town where Hindu groups will next week begin building a temple on a site contested by Muslims for decades in a dispute that has sparked some of the country’s most bloody communal violence. The Supreme […]

India’s coronavirus cases rise by a daily record of 55,078

BENGALURU – India reported another record surge in daily COVID-19 cases on Friday, taking the total to 1.64 million, as the government further eases virus curbs in a bid to resuscitate the economy, while also trying to increase testing. Infections jumped by 55,078 in the past 24 hours, […]

Dr Harsh Vardhan chairs session of The Bureau of The Executive Board of WHO

We need to come together & be more responsive to manage the new challenges to ensure a timely, adequate & coordinated global response: Dr. Harsh Vardhan open view news desk NEW DELHI, JULY 31: Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare presided over a meeting […]

Sajad Gani Lone released from year-long detention

Srinagar, Jul 31:  Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Conference (JKPC) chairman Sajad Gani Lone was on Friday released from nearly a year-long detention, officials said Lone was released days ahead of the first anniversary of the Centre’s move to revoke Article 370 of the Constitution in August last year, […]
