Day: June 27, 2020

Democrats warn against overconfidence in fight against Trump

President Donald Trump is entering the final four-month stretch before Election Day presiding over a country that faces a public health crisis, mass unemployment and a reckoning over racism. His Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, is raking in cash. And a series of national and battleground polls suggests growing […]

New Israeli espionage TV series tackles shadow war with Iran

TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s latest hit TV series takes the viewers straight into the heart of the country’s archenemy Iran. “Tehran” tells the story of Tamar Rabinyan, a young Mossad operative tasked with hacking into and disabling an Iranian nuclear reactor so the Israeli military can carry out […]

Facebook will label newsworthy posts that break rules as ad boycott widens

Facebook Inc (FB.O) said on Friday it will start labeling newsworthy content that violates the social media company’s policies, and label all posts and ads about voting with links to authoritative information, including those from politicians. A Facebook spokeswoman confirmed its new policy would have meant attaching a […]

Pakistan grounds 262 airline pilots with ‘dubious’ credentials

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan is grounding 262 airline pilots suspected of dodging their exams following inquiries into their qualifications, the aviation minister said on Friday in a move that has caused global concern. The action was prompted by the preliminary report on an airliner crash in Karachi last month, […]

Coronavirus cases in India cross 500,000 as big cities reel from surge

NEW DELHI – India reported over 17,000 new coronavirus cases over the last 24 hours, pushing the country’s total above 500,000, federal health ministry data showed on Saturday, with infections surging in major cities including the capital New Delhi. India has the world’s fourth-biggest outbreak of the virus […]

Union Health Ministry issues updated clinical management protocol for managing COVID-19 cases

Updated protocol includes use Dexamethasone as an alternative to Methylprednisolone for managing moderate to severe cases open view news desk NEW DELHI, JUNE 27: Keeping pace with evolving knowledge about COVID-19, especially in terms of effective drugs, the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has today released […]

President Promulgates Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020

open view news desk NEW DELHI, JUNE 27: In pursuance of the commitment to ensure safety of depositors across banks, the President has promulgated the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020. (Click to view the Gazette notification on the Ordinance) The Ordinance amends the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 as applicable […]

Prime Minister addresses the 90th Birth Anniversary of Rev. ‘Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan

Powered by Corona warriors, India is firmly fighting COVID-19, says PM Atma Nirbhar Bharat  ensures  economic strength  and prosperity for every Indian: PM Call of ‘Produce locally and  buy local products’  will light the lamp of prosperity in the homes of many: PM open view news desk NEW […]

Constitution our guiding light, says PM Modi at Mar Thoma church event

New Delhi, Jun 27: Asserting that the government’s guiding light is the Constitution of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the government does not discriminate between faith, gender, caste, creed or language and is led by the desire to empower 130 crore Indians. Addressing the 90th birthday […]
