Day: June 9, 2020

Bulletin on Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)

open view news desk JAMMU, JUNE 9: The Government on Tuesday informed that 61 new positive cases of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), 17 from Jammu division and 44 from Kashmir division, have been reported today thus taking the total number of positive cases in Jammu and Kashmir to 4346. […]

Director Agriculture reviews preparedness regarding Locust threat perception

open view news desk JAMMU, JUNE 09: Director Agriculture Jammu, Inder Jeet, convened a meeting of “Locust Threat Monitoring Committee” to review department’s preparedness regarding Locust threat perception in Jammu Division here today. Director stressed upon the officers to be in readiness mode to counter any possible Locust […]

North Korea cuts communication lines to South

North Korea is severing all official communication links with the South, it announced Tuesday in a move analysts said was aimed at manufacturing a crisis on the divided peninsula. Since last week the North has issued a series of vitriolic denunciations of the South over activists sending anti-Pyongyang […]

Tragic yarn: India-China border spat hits global cashmere production

The world is heading for a shortage of the highly prized and super-soft cashmere wool as pashmina goats that live on the “roof of the world” become caught up in the fractious border dispute between nuclear neighbours India and China. Wool from pashmina goats, reared by nomads in […]

Cathay Pacific unveils US$5 billion bailout plan

Troubled Hong Kong airline Cathay Pacific announced a HK$39 billion ($5 billion) government-led bailout plan on Tuesday as it battles a crippling downturn caused by the coronavirus. Like many carriers hammered by the crisis, the company has seen passenger numbers evaporate in recent months, leaving most of its […]

Hundreds march in Hong Kong as leader urges stability

HONG KONG — Hundreds of people marched in Hong Kong’s streets on Tuesday to mark a year since the start of anti-government protests, as the leader of the semi-autonomous city called for peace and stability. “Everyone has to learn their lesson, including the Hong Kong government,” Carrie Lam […]

North Korea cuts off all communication with South Korea

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea said it was cutting off all communication channels with South Korea on Tuesday, a move experts say could signal Pyongyang has grown frustrated that Seoul has failed to revive lucrative inter-Korean economic projects and persuade the United States to ease sanctions. The […]

George Floyd to be buried Tuesday as global anti-racism protests spread

HOUSTON – George Floyd will be buried in Houston on Tuesday two weeks after his death while being held by police in a Minneapolis street, and more anti-racism rallies inspired by his treatment were set to take place in the United States and in Europe. Thousands of mourners […]
