Day: June 5, 2020

Rights leader says Floyd ‘changed the world’ as protests march on

Hundreds of mourners joined an emotional memorial service in Minneapolis Thursday for George Floyd, the black man killed by police last week, as civil rights leader Al Sharpton vowed mass protests will continue until “we change the whole system of justice.” Largely peaceful demonstrations took place later in […]

Siberia 10C hotter in warmest May on record: EU

Temperatures soared 10 degrees Celsius above average last month in Siberia, home to much of Earth’s permafrost, as the world experienced its hottest May on record, the European Union’s climate monitoring network said Friday. The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said May 2020 was 0.68C warmer than the […]

Trump heads to rural Maine but won’t escape demonstrators

WASHINGTON — Maine’s Democratic governor is urging President Donald Trump to watch his tone during a visit to the state Friday to showcase a company that makes specialized swabs for coronavirus testing. And the sheriff in the state’s most rural county is urging those expected to protest Trump’s […]

Yamuna river regains sparkle as virus lockdown banishes waste

NEW DELHI – The sparkle has returned to the Yamuna river flowing through India’s capital of New Delhi, residents say, after decades of filthy and stinking waters, matted with garbage and polluted with toxic effluent from industry. In a feat that eluded years of government cleanliness efforts, a […]

India set to reopen temples, malls but no sprinkling of holy water

NEW DELHI – India will throw open shopping malls, restaurants and places of worship that typically attract large crowds next week, officials said, even though coronavirus infections are rising at the fastest daily rate than at any time in the past three months. Anxious to jump-start an economy […]

‘It’s not over until there is no virus anywhere in the world’: WHO

GENEVA – Some countries have seen “upticks” in COVID-19 cases as lockdowns ease, and populations must continue to protect themselves against the coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday. “On upticks, yes we have seen in countries around the world – I’m not talking specifically about […]

DST building resilience of SC & STs against COVID 19 through S&T interventions

Support provided to the network of KIs and S&T based NGOs has brought convergence among different stakeholders open view news desk NEW DELHI, JUNE 5: The Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED) division of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) is providing grant-in-aid support to several […]
