Day: March 26, 2020

Will Coronavirus Pandemic Diminish by Summer?

This study is conducted at MIT and was published in SSRN on March 19, 2020 and is reproduced here with a link for the viewers to access it conveniently to know more about whether the spread of Coronavirus has possessed any relation with the weather pattern Qasim […]

UGC requests Students and Teachers to utilise time productively by engaging in On-line learning while maintaining social distancing

open view news desk In a letter, UGC has addressed students and teachers and said that as we jointly combat COVID 19 by taking preventive and precautionary measures, maintaining social distancing and staying in the confines of our homes/hostels, we can utilise this time productively by engaging in On-line […]

Bolsonaro urges Brazilians back to work, dismisses coronavirus ‘hysteria’

SAO PAULO/BRASILIA – As Brazil’s largest city went into lockdown, President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday took aim at the “hysteria” over the coronavirus and urged that life must continue and jobs be preserved. In an address to the nation, Bolsonaro urged mayors and state governors to roll back […]

Indian stocks give up gains, relief package fails to impress traders

BENGALURU – Indian shares pulled back in afternoon trade on Thursday after the government’s 1.7 trillion rupee ($22.58 billion) relief package for the poor amid a nationwide lockdown failed to impress investors. Two days after India ordered a 21-day nationwide lockdown to contain the spread of the virus […]

Estonia won its war on fentanyl, then things got worse

TALLINN, Estonia — Igor Smirnov was introduced to opiates the day his first son was born, when he got celebratory drunk and a neighbor injected him with an intoxicating extract of opium poppies. “I’ve never tried anything better in my life,” he said. “It’s natural, it’s a clean […]

The Latest: China pushes back against ‘Wuhan virus’ label

The Latest on the coronavirus pandemic. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death. TOP OF THE HOUR: — China pushes back against “Wuhan virus” […]

Telephone conversation between PM and President of the Russian Federation

open view news desk Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a telephone conversation today with the President of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr Vladimir V. Putin. The two leaders discussed the global situation in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.  The Prime Minister conveyed his good wishes for early recovery of […]

Govt asks distilleries / sugar mills to maximize manufacture of hand sanitizers

100 distilleries and more than 500 manufacturers permitted to produce hand sanitizers open view news desk Central and State Governments are taking all steps to ensure supply of essential items during the lockdown to combat the novel Corona virus. In order to prevent spread of corona virus, hand […]
