Day: November 10, 2019

JKSJA organizes Orientation Prog on Transition from State Laws to Central Laws

open view news desk JAMMU, NOVEMBER 10: J&K State Judicial Academy today organized an Orientation Programme on “Transition from State Laws to Central Laws in the backdrop of Implementation of Reorganisation Act, 2019” for Civil Judges (Senior/Junior Division)/ Chief Judicial Magistrates/Magistrates serving in Jammu province. The objective of […]

Computerised Registration System for registration of documents to be rolled out by 30.11.2019

open view news desk JAMMU, NOVEMBER 10: Chief Secretary, B. V. R. Subrahmanyam chaired a High Level Meeting at Civil Secretariat, Jammu to finalize the steps for rolling out the Computerised Registration System across the UT of J&K. The ultimate objective of the Computerised Registration System would be […]

Roman Polanski weighing legal riposte after latest rape claim

Roman Polanski may sue the French newspaper that published accusations he raped a former actress in the 1970s, his lawyer said Sunday, as he comes under renewed fire over the latest claim of sexual assault to emerge against the Oscar-winning director in recent years. France’s author and director […]

Iran says finds new oilfield with 53 billion barrels of crude

DUBAI – Iran has discovered a new oilfield in the southwest of the country that has the potential to boost its reserves by about a third, President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday. “Workers and the exploration arm of the National Iranian Oil Company …have found an oilfield with […]

Iceland students see chilling reality of melting glacier

Icelandic seventh-grader Lilja Einarsdottir is on an unusual field trip with her class: they’re measuring the Solheimajokull glacier to see how much it has shrunk in the past year, witnessing climate change first-hand. “It is very beautiful but at the same time it is very sad to see […]

Cheering crowds greet Japan’s new emperor in rare parade

Tens of thousands of flag-waving spectators cheered Japan’s new Emperor Naruhito on Sunday during a rare open-top car imperial parade that was rescheduled after a deadly typhoon. Some in the crowd camped overnight to nab a prime stop by the palace for the 30-minute parade featuring the emperor […]

Over 100,000 greet Japan’s emperor at enthronement parade

TOKYO — Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako waved and smiled from an open car in a parade Sunday marking Naruhito’s enthronement as more than 100,000 delighted well-wishers cheered, waved small flags and took photos from packed sidewalks. Security was extremely tight, with police setting up 40 checkpoints […]

Was Trump call with Ukraine ‘perfect’? GOP has many answers

WASHINGTON — Republicans have no unified argument in the impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump , in large part because they can’t agree on how best to defend the president — or for some, if they should. That would require a level of consensus that Trump’s call with the Ukraine president […]

Police detain dozens over social media posts, celebrations after Ayodhya ruling

LUCKNOW/AYODHYA, India, India – Dozens of people in India have been detained on suspicion of publishing inflammatory social media posts and setting off celebratory firecrackers after the Supreme Court ruled to give a disputed religious site to Hindus, police said on Sunday. The Supreme Court awarded the bitterly […]
