Day: November 7, 2019

Slowing Indian economy spells tough times ahead for the rupee: Reuters poll

BENGALURU – A slowing domestic economy will prevent India’s rupee from recouping this year’s losses against the dollar in 2020, with optimism around an easing in the U.S.-China trade dispute not enough to give it a further boost, a Reuters poll showed. After falling nearly 9% in 2018, […]

Delhi’s air ‘very poor’ again due to high humidity

New Delhi, Nov 7: After a brief relief, the national capital’s air quality plunged to the “very poor” category again on Thursday because of high humidity following light rain, officials said. Delhi had been breathing relatively less polluted air for three days after a bright sun and improved wind […]

CRPF constable killed in accidental firing

Raipur, Nov 7: A Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) constable was killed on Thursday in an accidental firing during an exercise at his unit’s camp in Sukma district of Chhattisgarh, a police official said. The constable, Nilu Dala Behra, suffered injuries in the incident and later died, he said. […]

Three charged in US with spying on Twitter users for Saudi Arabia

Two former Twitter employees and a third man were charged in San Francisco Federal Court Wednesday with spying on Twitter users critical of the Saudi royal family, the US Justice Department announced. The two Saudis and one US citizen allegedly worked together to unmask the ownership details behind […]

Mexico probes narco group ‘La Linea’ in Mormon murders

Mexico alleged Wednesday that a drug cartel called “La Linea” massacred nine Mormon women and children in a case of mistaken identity, but devastated relatives insisted their loved ones were deliberately targeted. The three women and six children, who had dual US-Mexican citizenship, were killed in a hail […]

China jails nine for selling fentanyl into US

China on Thursday jailed nine people for selling fentanyl to Americans, the result of a landmark joint probe, and pledged further co-operation following President Donald Trump’s fury at Beijing’s perceived inaction against Chinese suppliers fuelling the deadly US opioid crisis. Despite Trump’s criticism earlier this year that Beijing […]

Iran resumes uranium enrichment at Fordow plant in new stepback from deal

Iran resumed uranium enrichment at its underground Fordow plant south of Tehran on Thursday in a new step back from its commitments under a landmark 2015 nuclear deal. Engineers began feeding uranium hexafluoride gas into the plant’s mothballed enrichment centrifuges in “the first minutes of Thursday”, the Iranian […]

Iran injects gas in new centrifuges as atomic deal unravels

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Iran injected uranium gas into centrifuges at its underground Fordo nuclear complex early Thursday, taking its most-significant step away from its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Tehran meanwhile also acknowledged blocking an official from the International Atomic Energy Agency from visiting its […]
