Day: October 4, 2019

Johnson tells court he may seek Brexit delay: documents

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told a court he will request a Brexit delay if he fails to strike a deal with the EU by October 19, according to documents published online Friday. Parliament has passed legislation requiring the premier to ask the other 27 EU leaders […]

US unemployment falls to 50-year low of 3.5% in September

America’s jobless rate tumbled in September to its lowest level in 50 years, according to government data released Friday, delighting the White House even though it may not assuage recession fears as President Donald Trump’s trade wars persist. Meanwhile, with a strong dollar and slowing global economy the […]

Hong Kong brings back colonial-era emergency powers to quell protests

HONG KONG – Hong Kong’s embattled leader Carrie Lam invoked colonial-era emergency powers on Friday for the first time in more than 50 years in a dramatic move intended to quell escalating violence in the Chinese-ruled city. Lam, speaking at a news conference, said a ban on face […]

India’s services sector contracts in September on weak demand: PMI

BENGALURU – India’s dominant services sector slipped into contraction in September as new business orders fell for the first time since early 2018, according to a private survey which also found business optimism at its lowest in 2-1/2 years. Friday’s survey adds to the deepening gloom around businesses […]

144 juveniles were detained in J-K after Article 370 abrogation: Report

New Delhi, Oct 2 : The Juvenile Justice Committee of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court has told the Supreme Court that 144 juveniles were detained in the state after the Centre abrogated provisions of Article 370, but 142 minors were later released. The committee, in its report filed […]
