Month: October 2019

TB drug price slashed in global push to thwart killer disease

A pharmaceutical multinational on Thursday slashed the price of a key anti-tuberculosis drug boosting the battle against the world’s deadliest infectious disease, as a new treatment was also set to begin extensive testing. The initiatives came as the United Nations seeks to galvanise the campaign against TB, which […]

Putin was ‘conscientious and disciplined’ spy: KGB documents

Declassified KGB documents on display in Russia describe future President Vladimir Putin as a “conscientious and disciplined” spy at the start of his career. “Comrade Putin… is constantly raising his ideological, political and professional level,” said the one-page document released to Russian media, written while the intelligence agent […]

Berlin Wall’s fall stokes memories of lost hopes in Russia

MOSCOW — When the Berlin Wall fell, the Soviet Union stepped back, letting East Germany’s communist government collapse and then quickly accepting German unification. Russian President Vladimir Putin now blames the Soviet leadership for naivety that paved the way for NATO’s expansion eastward. Many in Russia share that […]

Fire on moving train kills 71 passengers in central Pakistan

MULTAN, Pakistan — A massive fire caused by a cooking gas stove erupted Thursday on a train traveling in Pakistan’s eastern Punjab province, killing at least 71 passengers, officials said. Flames roared through the train cars as the train approached the town of Liaquatpur in Punjab, they said, […]

Near party-line vote expected on impeachment ground rules

WASHINGTON — Democrats have set the stage for certain House approval of the ground rules lawmakers will use when they consider impeaching President Donald Trump as the chamber braced for its first showdown over the inquiry. There was no doubt that the Democratic-controlled body would approve the eight pages of procedures on […]

EU calls on India, Pak to resume dialogue amid tension over Kashmir

United Nations, Oct 31 : The European Union has called on India and Pakistan to avoid escalation of tension over the Kashmir issue and resume bilateral dialogue for a peaceful and political solution to the matter, after the Indian government revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s special status. Reacting sharply to […]
