Day: September 27, 2019

U.S. hopes to see rapid action on lifting Kashmir curbs: official

NEW YORK – The United States hopes to see rapid action by India to lift restrictions it has imposed in Kashmir and the release of detainees there, the senior U.S. diplomat for South Asia said on Thursday. Alice Wells, the acting assistant secretary of state for South Asia, […]

Pakistan PM Imran Khan warns of ‘bloodbath’ when Kashmir curfew lifted

UNITED NATIONS – Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan warned on Friday there would be a bloodbath when India lifts its curfew in disputed Kashmir and that any all-out conflict between the two nuclear-armed nations would reverberate far beyond their borders. Khan made the remarks in an impassioned speech […]

Pakistan PM Imran Khan addresses United Nations General Assembly

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan talked about the importance of the world together combating climate change, saying “a lot of world leaders do not realise the urgency of the situation”. Addressing the issue of Islamophobia, he said Muslims in European countries have been marginalised and warned it would […]

Kashmiris eagerly await India, Pakistan leaders’ UN speeches

SRINAGAR, India — Residents of Indian-controlled Kashmir hope speeches by Indian and Pakistani leaders at the U.N. General Assembly on Friday will turn world attention to an unprecedented lockdown in the disputed Himalayan region. Simmering tensions in Kashmir are threatening to erupt into open conflict between India and […]

Indian PM dodges mention at UN of disputed region of Kashmir

UNITED NATIONS — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi broadly denounced terrorism at the United Nations on Friday but avoided any direct mention of one of the world’s most perilous standoffs: Pakistan’s recent warning that India’s crackdown in the disputed region of Kashmir risks a war. Modi told world […]

Erdogan vows to continue oil, natural gas trade with Iran

Ankara, Sep 27: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed Ankara would continue to purchase oil and natural gas from Iran despite US sanctions in comments published on Friday. The United States reimposed sanctions on Iran after pulling out of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, and says it aims to […]

Heavy rain causes havoc in Hyd; Girl killed in house collapse

Hyderabad, Sep 27: An eight-year-old girl was killed and her mother injured on Friday when the roof of their mud house collapsed in Narayanapet district of Telangana in heavy rains, even as the downpour caused havoc in Hyderabad. The girl was killed when the rain-soaked roof of her home […]

Pawar drops ED office visit plan, says won’t get scared off

Mumbai, Sep 27: NCP chief Sharad Pawar, named in a money-laundering case by the ED in connection with a scam at Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank, on Friday said he won’t visit the agency’s office “for now”, much to the relief of police and common citizens. Pawar’s decision came after […]

Dr Jitendra Singh chairs review meeting of the Ministry of DoNER ; Reviews the progress of the ongoing projects of the Ministry

open view news desk The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh    chaired a review meeting  with the officials of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) and North […]
