Day: September 23, 2019

Ayushman Bharat will strengthen India’s efforts towards achieving Universal Health Coverage: Dr Harsh Vardhan

4.7 mn have availed of treatments worth over USD 1070 mn under PMJAY in the first year itself More than 21,000 HWCs operationalised till date open view news desk “The Government of India is committed to Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and through our Ayushman Bharat(Long Live India) Scheme we […]

PM’s remarks at Climate Action Summit 2019 during 74th session of UNGA

open view news desk I thank UN Secretary General for organizing the Global climate summit. After having received the Champion of the Earth award last year, this is my first opportunity to address the United Nations. I am pleased that my first meeting during my visit to New […]

‘Moment of truth’ at key UN climate summit

Some 60 world leaders came together at the UN Monday for a “climate emergency” summit aimed at reinvigorating the faltering Paris agreement, at a time when mankind is releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than at any time in history. From heat waves to slow-crawling hurricanes to […]

‘How dare you?’ Greta Thunberg asks world leaders at UN

A visibly angry Greta Thunberg berated world leaders as she addressed a UN climate summit on Monday, accusing them of betraying her generation by failing to tackle greenhouse gas emissions and asking “How dare you?” The Swedish teen, who has become the global face of the growing youth […]

Harry and Meghan join S.Africa’s fight against gender violence

Prince Harry on Monday urged South African men to turn their back on toxic masculinity as his wife Meghan applauded girls for “standing up for what’s right,” as the British royal couple launched their first official tour since becoming parents in May. The pair joined campaigners in Cape […]

Impeachment pressure grows, Trump remains defiant

Pressure escalated Monday for US Democrats to launch impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, who faces accusations that he sought to extort Ukraine into revealing dirt on his political rival Joe Biden. A defiant Trump said he is taking the impeachment threat “not at all seriously” and sought […]

UN chief urges action to make Earth carbon neutral by 2050

UNITED NATIONS — World leader after world leader told the United Nations on Monday that they will do more to prevent a warming world from reaching even more dangerous levels, but as they made their pledges, they conceded it was not enough. Sixty-six countries have promised to have […]

Afghan officials: 40 civilians killed in anti-Taliban raid

KABUL, Afghanistan — Anti-Taliban raids by Afghan forces backed by U.S. airstrikes killed at least 40 civilians attending a wedding party in the southern Helmand province, Afghan officials said. The civilian deaths in Sunday night’s raids on Taliban hideouts further rattled Afghanistan amid an upsurge in violence that’s […]

At UN, Trump facing questions about Ukraine, Iran, allies

UNITED NATIONS — Faced with growing tumult at home and abroad, President Donald Trump began his three-day visit to the United Nations on Monday hoping to lean on strained alliances while fending off questions about whether he sought foreign help to damage a political rival.Full Coverage: U.N. General Assembly Trump’s latest […]

Israelis await president’s PM choice after crucial talks end

Jerusalem, Sep 23: Israel’s president wrapped up his second and final day of crucial talks to find a new prime minister and a way out of political deadlock, after meeting Monday with the smaller parties elected in last week’s vote. After hearing the recommendations from the remaining party […]
