Day: March 28, 2019

Trump tells Russia ‘to get out’ of Venezuela

US President Donald Trump demanded Wednesday that Russia remove troops from Venezuela and said again that he was not ruling out military action to topple far-left President Nicolas Maduro. Russia’s deployment of troops and equipment to bolster Maduro has ratcheted up already high international tension in Venezuela where […]

Facebook bars white nationalism, stepping up hate speech curbs

Facebook announced Wednesday it would ban praise or support for white nationalism and white separatism as part of a stepped-up crackdown on hate speech. The ban will be enforced starting next week at the leading online social network and its image-centric messaging service Instagram. “It’s clear that these […]

Despair, anger as Venezuelans endure paralyzing blackout

Venezuelans wavered between despair and rage Wednesday as they endured a third day of a near-nationwide blackout that has paralyzed their country — the second such outage this month. “Food stocks are starting to rot. There’s no water. The transport virtually doesn’t work. There’s no means of communication,” […]

Israelis unveil ‘world’s longest salt cave’

Israeli cave explorers said Thursday that a salt cave with striking stalactites near the Dead Sea is the world’s longest, beating the previous record-holder in Iran. The cave named Malham, stretching over 10 kilometres (6.25 miles), runs through Mount Sodom, Israel’s largest mountain, and spills out to the […]

US, Chinese trade negotiators face ‘large amount of work’

Beijing said Thursday US and Chinese negotiators still face a “large amount of work” as they meet for fresh talks aimed at resolving a months-long trade war. US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are expected to begin two days of talks in Beijing with […]

Div Com Jammu takes stock of election preparedness in Samba

open view news desk SAMBA : Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Sanjeev Verma, today toured the border district of Samba to take stock of election preparedness and availability of minimum assured basic facilities at the polling stations for upcoming General Elections. Divisional Comisioner along with District Election Officer Samba Sushma […]
