Day: March 12, 2019

At age 30, World Wide Web is ‘not the web we wanted’

GENEVA  — At the ripe old age of 30 and with half the globe using it, the World Wide Web is facing growing pains with issues like hate speech, privacy concerns and state-sponsored hacking, its creator says, trumpeting a call to make it better for humanity. Tim Berners-Lee […]

Ctrl-Alt-Stall – India’s engineers struggle for work as jobs crisis worsens

CHINCHWAD, India – Santosh Gurav gained a bachelor’s degree in technology from a mid-tier college in western India last year, specialising in electrical engineering and hoping to land a job in industrial automation. Six months on, the 27-year-old repairs mixer-grinders, table fans and other household appliances at a […]

U.S.’s Bolton says Pakistan committed to easing tensions with India

WASHINGTON – White House national security adviser John Bolton said on Monday Pakistan’s foreign minister has assured him Islamabad is committed to de-escalating tensions with India and dealing “firmly” with terrorists. Bolton’s comments follow a Feb. 14 suicide bombing, claimed by Pakistan-based militants, which killed at least 40 […]

Congress party pivots back to jobs after Modi gets boost on security issues

GANDHINAGAR, India/NEW DELHI  – India’s main opposition Congress party switched its campaign focus back to economic and social issues such as jobs on Tuesday as pollsters said Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s re-election bid has been boosted by hostilities with neighbouring Pakistan. “How will the youth get jobs? How […]

Rafale deal: NSUI files complaint against PMO

New Delhi, Mar 12: Congress-affiliated NSUI on Tuesday marched to police stations in various state capitals and filed a complaint against the PMO, accusing it of “corruption” in the Rafale fighter jet deal, the student organisation said. In Delhi, National Students’ Union Of India members marched to Parliament Street […]

Priyanka slams Modi govt for unkept promises, spread of hatred

Ahmedabad, Mar 12: Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra Tuesday targeted the Modi government over “unfulfilled” promises and “destruction” of institutions and said she was saddened by what was happening in the country. Addressing her first political rally in Gujarat after assuming charge as Congress general secretary in early […]

Species by the dozen moved north during marine heatwaves

SAN FRANCISCO — Dozens of species of sea slugs, jellyfish and other marine life from toastier southern waters migrated into the Northern California region over an unusually long two-year period of severe heatwaves, says a new scientific report. The 67 species identified in the report include a carnivorous […]

Dr. A.K. Mohanty takes over as Director BARC

open view news desk Dr. A.K. Mohanty, distinguished Scientist and Director, physics group of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and Director, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata today took over as Director, BARC from Shri K.N. Vyas, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary to the Government of […]
