Day: January 14, 2019

‘Miracle’ flight survivors mark decade of thankfulness

NEW YORK — It’s been 10 years, but there isn’t anything Tripp Harris doesn’t remember about the cold January day he cheated death on US Airways flight 1549. The jolt when the plane collided with a flock of geese and the engines stopped moments after takeoff from New […]

District Legal Services Authority, Health Department hold legal awareness cum medical camp

open view news desk JAMMU, JANUARY 14: To ensure that opportunities of securing justice and health care benefits are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or any other disability, District Legal Services Authority in collaboration with Health Department today held a Legal Awareness cum Medical […]

Shailendra calls for stepping up voters’ awareness campaign

open view news desk JAMMU, JANUARY 14 – Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) J&K, Shailendra Kumar today reviewed the progress on the issues related to the preparations for the ensuing elections, here at a meeting of concerned officers . The CEO called upon the officers and other functionaries of […]

Div Com convenes meeting with Airfield Environment Management committee

open view news desk JAMMU, JANUARY 14: Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Sanjeev Verma today chaired a meeting of Airfield Environment Management Committee regarding measures towards wildlife strike hazard reduction and disposal of liquid and solid waste besides prevention of open garbage in the surrounding areas of the airport. Air […]

Man arrested for killing live-in partner

Ghaziabad, Jan 14: The Ghaziabad police Monday arrested a man absconding after strangulating his live-in partner to death at their house in Khoda colony here last week. City Superintendent of Police Shlok Kumar said Shyam Manohar alias Shyamu had been living with 22-year-old Akanksha. Last week, the couple had […]
