Day: January 9, 2019

State Emergency Operation Center at Humhama Srinagar to be fully operational by May

open view news desk JAMMU, JANUARY 9: Chief Secretary, B V R Subrahmanyam Wednesday chaired a meeting to review the status of State Emergency Operation Center (SEOC) being established at Humhama Srinagar. The SEOC will be the main command and control centre responsible for disaster management in the […]

Trump demands USD 5.7 bln funding for US-Mexico border wall to end growing humanitarian crisis

Washington, Jan 9: President Donald Trump Wednesday asked the Democrats to allocate a whopping USD 5.7 billion funding for his controversial US-Mexico border wall plan to halt a “growing humanitarian and security crisis” and cited the cold-blooded murder of an Indian-origin police officer by an illegal immigrant to implement […]

Modi kept mum on Maha farmers’ plight in Solapur rally: Cong

Mumbai, Jan 9: The Congress in Maharashtra Wednesday hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his “silence” on extending help to the farmers affected by drought-like situation in the state, during his address in Solapur. Leader of Opposition in Maharashtra Assembly Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil also condemned the alleged […]

China allowing 2,000 ethnic Kazakhs to leave Xinjiang region

ALMATY, Kazakhstan — China is allowing more than 2,000 ethnic Kazakhs to abandon their Chinese citizenship and leave the country, the Kazakh Foreign Ministry said, in a sign that Beijing may be starting to feel a mounting backlash against its sweeping crackdown on Muslims in the far west […]

White House tries to hold jittery GOP in line on shutdown

WASHINGTON — The White House is trying to hold jittery congressional Republicans in line on the 19th day of the partial government shutdown, with no end in sight to the impasse over President Donald Trump’s demand for a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. There’s growing concern about the […]

Rahul says PM got a woman to defend him on Rafale, Modi calls it insult to all women

Jaipur/Agra, Jan 9: Congress president Rahul Gandhi Wednesday said the prime minister got a woman to defend him in Parliament as he couldn’t do so himself, a remark that appeared to trigger a sharp retort from Narendra Modi who accused the opposition of insulting Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Calling […]

UN asks Australia to consider Saudi teen for ‘refugee resettlement’

The UN has said an 18-year-old Saudi woman who fled her family is a legitimate refugee and has asked Australia to resettle her, Canberra said Wednesday, as the Twitter-led campaign to grant her asylum edged towards resolution. Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun was stopped by authorities at Bangkok’s main airport […]

Eurozone unemployment fell to 10-year low in November: data

Unemployment in the eurozone fell in November, data showed on Wednesday, as joblessness in Europe neared pre-crisis levels. Eurostat said the jobless rate in the single currency area fell to 7.9 percent in November, a 10-year low and down from a revised 8.0 percent for the previous month. […]
