Day: December 31, 2018

NASA spaceship zooms toward farthest world ever photographed

A NASA spaceship is zooming toward the farthest, and quite possibly the oldest, cosmic body ever photographed by humankind, a tiny, distant world called Ultima Thule about four billion miles (6.4 billion kilometers) away. The US space agency will ring in the New Year with a live online […]

Mayweather floors Japan’s Nasukawa in just two minutes

Floyd “Money” Mayweather beat Japanese kickboxing phenomenon Tenshin Nasukawa by a technical knockout Monday after just two minutes of a New Year’s Eve “exhibition” bout that brought the US boxing superstar out of retirement for a big pay day. In a mismatched contest, Mayweather floored Nasukawa, a kickboxer […]

Sydney kicks off global 2019 parties with dazzling spectacle

Australia’s largest city Sydney put on its biggest-ever fireworks display in a spectacular welcome to the New Year, kicking off a wave of celebrations for billions around the world. A record amount of pyrotechnics as well as new fireworks effects and colours lit up the city’s skyline for […]

Elizabeth Warren makes big move toward 2020 presidential run

WASHINGTON — Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Monday took the first major step toward launching a widely anticipated campaign for the presidency, hoping her reputation as a populist fighter can help her navigate a Democratic field that could include nearly two dozen candidates. “No matter what our differences, most […]

New scandal around fired Macron aide troubles France

PARIS — Alexandre Benalla hasn’t finished causing trouble for the French president. Emmanuel Macron’s former security aide is again at the heart of a political scandal, just as the president is struggling against yellow vest protests that have undercut his legitimacy at home and abroad. Benalla, 27, was […]

Trump laments he’s getting bad press for US exit from Syria

[wp_news_ticker_benaceur_short_code] WASHINGTON  — President Donald Trump complained on Monday that he’s getting “bad press” for his decision to pull American troops out of Syria, saying he’s making good on his campaign promise against U.S. involvement in “never ending wars.” Earlier this month, Trump abruptly announced on Twitter that […]

Information Deptt Anantnag organizes farewell function for Mushtaq Ahmad Shah

open view web desk ANANTNAG, DECEMBER 31: District Information Centre, Anantnag today organized a farewell party for Mushtaq Ahmad Shah, who served as the Chauffeur at District Information Centre, Anantnag. Mushtaq, who today attained the age of superannuation, served the department for more than 37 years. The function […]

PDD promotes 192 Engineers

open view web desk JAMMU, DECEMBER 31: On the directions of Chief Secretary, BVR Subrahmanyam, Power Development Department (PDD) has conducted Departmental Promotion Committee meetings regarding regularization of the officers on substantive basis. Consequently, placement of one hundred and ten (110) Junior Engineers (Degree holders) as I/C Assistant […]
