Day: December 21, 2018

Thieves who stole 90 car batteries in one night arrested

New Delhi, Dec 21: Three men, who had allegedly taken only 30 seconds to steal a battery from a car and have stolen over 5,000 batteries from south Delhi, have been arrested, police said Friday. The accused were identified as Sahzad (28), Gul Mohmad (31), residents of IP Extension, […]

BJP talks more and does less: Naveen Patnaik

Bhubaneswar, Dec 21: Dubbing the BJP as a party that “talks more and does less”, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik Friday said the saffron party and the Congress were “responsible for the bankruptcy” of the national economy. “I will give you an example. The BJP and the Congress, how […]

Swaraj, Wang hold talks under new framework to boost people-to-people ties, cultural exchanges

New Delhi, Dec 21: Eyeing a new chapter in Sino-India ties, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Friday held extensive talks under a newly set up framework and agreed on “ten pillars” of cooperation to enhance cultural and people-to-people exchanges. In her media […]

Sino-India ties actively moving forward: President Xi

Beijing, Dec 21: Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday said Sino-India relations are “actively” moving forward with deepening mutual trust and cooperation, as the foreign ministers of the two countries held extensive talks in New Delhi under a newly established framework. In his message of congratulations to the first […]

AP-NORC Poll: Christmas carols favored over Billboard hits

LOS ANGELES — Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is the highest-charting Billboard Hot 100 holiday hit in 60 years, but Americans still prefer hearing carols such as “Silent Night” and “Jingle Bells,” a new poll shows. With Christmas next week, 12 percent of Americans […]

Pope: Church will ‘never again’ cover up clergy sex abuse

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis demanded Friday that priests who have raped and molested children turn themselves in and vowed that the Catholic Church will “never again” cover up clergy sex abuse. Francis dedicated his annual Christmas speech to Vatican bureaucrats to abuse, evidence that a year of […]

AP Explains: Next steps in Japan case against Nissan’s Ghosn

TOKYO — Nissan Motor Co. former chairman Carlos Ghosn, charged with financial improprieties and detained in Tokyo for more than a month, has also been accused of a breach of trust that caused a multimillion-dollar financial loss for Nissan. Speculation that he could leave on bail surged on […]

Trump call with Turkish leader led to US pullout from Syria

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw American troops from Syria was made hastily, without consulting his national security team or allies, and over strong objections from virtually everyone involved in the fight against the Islamic State group, according to U.S. and Turkish officials. Trump stunned his […]

Big Boost to Industry: Benefits under Northeast Industrial Development Package extended to JK

open view web desk JAMMU, DECEMBER 21: In a major step towards promoting rapid industrialization and economic prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India today approved extension of all benefits to J&K given to the Northeastern States under North […]
