Day: November 5, 2018

US sanctions: SWIFT network suspends Iran banks

The SWIFT banking network, the backbone for international monetary transfers, said Monday it has suspended several Iranian banks from its service, after the United States reimposed nuclear sanctions on Tehran. “In keeping with our mission of supporting the resilience and integrity of the global financial system as a […]

State administration caught napping following early snowfall: NC

Administration should take cue from the current mess and ensure that people don’t suffer in the days to come open view web desk Srinagar, 05 November, 2018: National Conference on Monday censured the incumbent administration for its mismanagement of the exigencies that rose in wake of the recent snowfall. […]

Will Give another Chance to Students who Miss Exam In Bandipora on 3rd Nov: Shahid Choudhary

open view web desk Srinagar, November 5: The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) Deputy Commissioner  Bandipora District Shahid Choudhary on Monday said that an another chance will be given to the students who missed their ongoing annual regular 2018 examinations due to the heavy snowfall […]

Intelligence Official Warns Of More Attacks After BJP Leader Killed In Kishtwar

open view web desk Srinagar November 5: The killing of two BJP leaders in Jammu & Kashmir’s Kishtwar raises more tension, agencies have degenerated more threats to various stations in the region. It is believed that  at least three potential targets that are on terror radar, according to the intelligence […]

NC alone can bring political stability in J&K: Slathia

open view web desk open view web desk VIJAYPUR NOVEMBER 05- Former minister Mr Surjeet Singh Slathia on Monday described National Conference as the only and ultimate destination for public spirited political activists, saying realization is dawning fast upon forward-looking and peace-loving young people  to join the party […]

More protection: UN says Earth’s ozone layer is healing

WASHINGTON— Earth’s protective ozone layer is finally healing from damage caused by aerosol sprays and coolants, a new United Nations report said. The ozone layer had been thinning since the late 1970s. Scientist raised the alarm and ozone-depleting chemicals were phased out worldwide. As a result, the upper […]

Governor accorded ceremonial reception on his arrival at Civil Secretariat

Governor accorded ceremonial reception on his arrival at Civil Secretariat open view web desk JAMMU, NOVEMBER 05: The Darbar Move offices opened here today after their annual move from Srinagar on October 26. Civil Secretariat and other offices opened here today after a transit period of nine days. […]
